Monday, December 15, 2008

King Tut...

I went along with #2's class to the Atlanta Civic Center last week to see the King Tut exhibit. It was pretty amazing what has been uncovered, almost an untouched tomb of King Tut and TONS of gold and riches. There were alot of statues of Egyptian Pharaohs on display as well that have been recovered.

"Howard Carter uncovered the remarkably preserved tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, he created a worldwide sensation. The only tomb of its era found intact and full of indescribable treasures, it was also the first major discovery in the age of easy worldwide communication. That, along with rumors of a mysterious curse, helped make Tutankhamun the most popular of the Egyptian pharaohs in the modern world. Here, you will learn about his life, his death and the ancient curses that shaped King Tut's world."

This past Saturday was an exciting day for the kids as #2 got to ride in a helicopter with a pilot, and #3 took a ride in a small single engine prop plane with the pilot, and actually got to fly it herself. The second Saturday of every month the "Tiger Flight" group offers flights to kids age 8-18. There is no charge for this, and the pilots take the kids up individually. Hubby took the girls and the camera, and I stayed home with #4, as he wasn't yet old enough for the flights. Hubby claimed he took some great pics, but when he got home to download them, there didn't seem to be a "memory card" in the none of the pictures turned out. It was my fault, the memory card was in my purse. We plan on going back next month and will make sure we're prepared with the camera. #3 came home so excited and informed me she had changed her mind about being a waitress...she wants to be a pilot instead.

Our #1 was at the Middle School Basketball game on Saturday morning and missed out on the flight, but she plans on going next month.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Time Doesn't Stop

I can't believe time is flying by so fast! It's been nearly a month since I've blogged, yet there's really so much that I could share about the past four weeks. A beautiful beach wedding, my "Sweet Sixteen" Class reunion in Midtown, and a wonderful Ladies Retreat that I attended this past weekend. Wow! I have stayed very busy subbing as well, which is good. It's nice working when I want to, and staying at home when I need to clean or get things done. In the midst of all of this, my computer I am still trying to catch up on some things I missed. I will be posting some pics also, as soon as I get computer stuff caught up. Anyway, just wanted to let whoever keeps up with the "Krispy", that I'm still kickin and I'll be posting more soon.
The fam is doing well also, just staying busy and all looking forward to the fast approaching holidays!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, Oct.17th

I'm still waiting on my camera charger to arrive in the mail. But #2 had taken her camera along and was responsible with all accessories. I'll post a couple of her pics. until I receive my stuff. These were from our Fall Break trip in Perdido Key.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day by Day

We have returned from the beach...relaxed, rested, and ready for what the coming days bring--hopefully. Thankfully, God is in control, and gets us through each new day!
Number One just finished up her softball season with a win. Number Three starts basketball in a few weeks, and Number Two is still enjoying band and doing very well playing the flute. Number Four is looking forward to playing baseball in the spring.
I left my camera battery charger plugged in the wall at the condo in Florida, so as soon as I receive it in the mail, I will post some pictures of our Florida trip and #1's softball pictures.
Hubby is still traveling to ATL, now five days a week. So we are very thankful that gas prices are falling! Our church is still doing well, and the people are great! We love them so much. We are continuing to see growth in the children and teen depts., especially on Wednesday nights! PTL!
I am staying busy substitute teaching, mostly at the high school and middle school here in Armuchee. I am really enjoying it!
Stay tuned and I will be posting new pictures shortly...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's been busy as usual, but I'm trying to slow down lately and REALLY enjoy each day that God gives me. Recently I was hired on by Floyd County to be a substitute teacher. I received my first call on Sept. 9th, (which is my I had to decline...duh!) I know that's not the best of excuses but...I didn't tell them why I couldn't sub that day. ANYWAY...last Friday I got a call from the high school and I accepted. My job for the fill in for the Home Economics teacher. Now, first of would think after being a Homemaker for 12 years...but no. I explained to the class, I was going to do the work with them instead of teach them. We read together and answered together. They wrote it all down and actually had something to turn in showing they did work. That was my first two classes. Then came the SEWING class, which the teacher had warned me..."contains several students with behavior problems." I had to laugh! I was about to reap what I had sewn. She left me a note with this exciting information, and told me to let them finish watching a film they had begun the day before. Judging from the looks of the vhs, I assumed it probably had atleast 45 min. left to go. So when the kids came in, yelling, "Yeah, Free day...substitute", I quickly told them to sit down while I took roll. I then started the movie and told them to act interested. To my surprise, it only had about ten minutes left. They were like, "Mrs. Huff, we have an hour and a half left in this class...what are we going to do now?..."We watched most of this dumb video yesterday...""Can we get our cell phones and Ipods out and just have a free day?"...Yeah right! One girl came bouncing up, batting her eyelashes, and asked if she could go show another teacher some pictures she had on her camera. Said she might forget if she couldn't go right then. I told her she looked like a smart girl, and if she'd go sit down and write herself a note to show the teacher the pictures later, it would all turn out fine. She then rolled her eyes, but did bounce back to her seat. I told them I realized they had already watched the movie, but have to watch a movie twice to get it all. So, I rewound it and started it over... Thankfully, about 45 minutes into the movie, I was saved by an evacuation drill and surprise pep rally for the students. Whew...What a day!
I was called in again yesterday at the high school...this time for the Band Director. O.K. I figured someone was playing a joke on me. But in reality, it was quite an much I can't even write it all down today. But I figure...the football coach is going to need a day off in the near future, and I'll most likely be the one they call.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day

Thanks to my family that came up on Labor Day. It was so nice to be together with y'all.
Uncle Casey is about to make a BIG splash!
So is hubby!
The dignified.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Being a Pastor's Wife

It's all about being supportive, right?...IF I were one to GET embarrassed...I would say this would be a real topper. Here goes... Hubby has been pastoring since November, and up until this past Sunday night, I've done pretty well at being a quiet Pastor's wife.(I know some of you may find this hard to believe.) Anyway, we were having a fellowship time after the service this night and I was still in the kitchen preparing food when church started. So after the chicken finished cooking, I scooted in church about 10 minutes into the service. Our worship leader was out of town for the holiday weekend, so hubby was up front leading the singing. I tried to quietly make my way down to the third pew where our children were sitting. Hubby was through the first verse of the song when I sat down and grabbed myself a hymnal. I felt a little bad for him because I couldn't hear anyone else singing, and figured he couldn't either. really show my support, I began to sing out good and strong. After the second of four verses, #1 whispered something to me...but I smiled, blew her off and got louder. I mean I was really belting it out holding the end notes so as to be heard by hubby. He would just look and me and smile during the song, like he was so proud of me. And I would smile back and sing out stronger, never missing a beat. The service went smooth after the singing, and hubby brought a good message. We ate together with the people after church, enjoyed ourselves and then went home. It wasn't until we were getting ready for bed, that hubby looked at me and said, "Why did you sing all the way through my solo tonight?"
I think I laughed myself to sleep...first out of embarrassment, but then because it was all just plain funny! and I couldn't figure out why hubby just couldn't find the humor in it all.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


It has been a little crazy around our house to say the least. School has started back, and the kids are all enjoying themselves so far. Even #4 can't wait to go to school everyday! I am so thankful for the great teachers that they all have this year.
The church is doing well, the parsonage is up for sale, and we're keeping a lookout for and praying about new church property in the near future. God has blessed the church and we have some new people coming. I am doing Junior Church three Sundays out of the month, Children's Choir, and helping out with the kid's class on Wednesday evenings. We are much in prayer about children and teen workers for our church.
Hubby is still driving to Atlanta at least three days a week, and God is blessing him there as well, and giving him strength and wisdom for each new day.
#1 made the fast pitch softball team, so we've been going to her practices for that. I can't wait for her games to start.
Along with everything else, I am planning a class reunion for our high school with help from a few friends and fellow graduates.
Life is busy sometimes... but God is Good All the Time!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Almost done!

The pool is getting closer to completion everyday. They poured the concrete decking early this morning, and they're coming back on Tuesday to install the diving board and slide. Looks like we will be able to enjoy it some before the cooler weather after all.

So now, when friends and family come over, we can enjoy ourselves poolside. As long as you come while it's still hurry!!(Come see us!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

What in the World??

I was so excited about our tomato plants. A couple at our church had brought them to me to plant a couple of months ago. We watched each day as they grew taller, watered them as needed, picked the buds off like we were told to do, and then last week, some little cherry tomatoes popped out all over. I couldn't wait for them to ripen so we could pick and eat them. They are #4's favorite! Then yesterday, I was doing my daily check, and ALL the cherry tomatoes were GONE! My first thought was that the kids picked them. Then I noticed the "vine" look was gone. It looked more like green sticks poking up out of the ground. THEN I noticed two huge caterpillars attached to the stems. They had eaten all the tomatoes, the buds were gone, and practically the whole vine. Goodness gracious! Well, there goes that!! Guess I'll be going down to the Piggly Wiggly if I want some maters!

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Day of School

Our kids started school today. They were car riders this morning since it was their first day. The different looks on their faces as they got out of the car displayed their different personalities. #1 was excited and couldn't get out of the car fast enough; #2 looked a bit terrified as it was her first day as a middle schooler; #3 was a bit nervous, but excited too. We actually dropped her off with tears in her eyes, said she was worried about me being by myself all day.(Bless her heart!) And #4, a new pre-k'r, was eager to get in his class to make new friends. He had already spotted a cute girl and told me "that's who I'm gonna go out with." Told me he liked her cute clothes and bow in her hair.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pool in Progress

Do you know how disturbing it is to look outside on a 100 degree day, and not be able to jump in the big hole in the backyard? Very Disturbing!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thank You, Men and Women of the United States Military

I think it's something most of us probably take for granted...Freedom! Today, when men and women of the US Armed Forces are scattered across the world, by choice, protecting our freedom, while we live comfortably at home, and work at our jobs in a safe and secure environment..Let us not forget those who are out there for one sole that we can enjoy our security here at home in America. To those who have served, or are presently serving our country, I just want to say, "Thank you!!"

Last Sunday at church, we had a Military Appreciation Service. We honored the men in our congregation that had previously served our country in the Armed Forces. Some came home wounded from war, some retired after twenty plus years of service, and some never saw the battle fronts, but all were willing, if need be, to give everything for the freedom that we enjoy today. The kids choir sang a few patriotic songs, and then we presented gifts to each of them.

In the words of Mother Theresa, "The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter." Men and Women of the US Military--Your lives truly matter...and again, I want to say, "Thanks!"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rome Braves

The Rome Braves played a good game tonight, winning 5-4 over the Columbus Catfish. It was my first time to catch a Rome Braves game, and I have to say it was a lot of fun! Very different from a major league game--way more laid back! We decided to get the "Home Run Hill" seats, which are just past right field. You pay $4 for a ticket and bring a blanket and get comfy on the hill.
"Romey and Roxy"the mascots.
After the game, we enjoyed "Indendence Day" fireworks!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm Back

Wow. It's been a while since I've blogged. Number three and I, along with another seven year old from our church attended Kid's camp last week at the good ole Camp Adrian Nazarene campground. We had a blast! I have fond memories of Camp Adrian as a child and teenager, and I now enjoy going along as a counselor when given the opportunity. This year only one week worked out for me to attend, due to hubby's work schedule. Anyway, I'll share a little with you about our time there.

First of all, it was nice to be able to room with our friends from Sharpsburg.
There were also girls in our room from Jackson and Barnesville, Ga.

Making icecream (below)during group time...

I know it's gross, but we had to have a belching contest...

One got sick to her stomach trying to make herself burp...Yes, she threw up, and yes, I laughed!

And the most important reason of all for kid's camp...finding Jesus Christ as Saviour, and learning to serve him everyday!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Desperate College Student

Who goes door to door selling books anymore? Well, apparently some still do. This morning before I had even opened my eyes from my restful nights sleep, I was awakened by a loud banging noise. My eyes popped open, I sat up straight, and realizing the house was still dark and the kids were still fast asleep, I lay back down and decided I must have dreamed it. Then another loud "bang, bang, bang!!!" My eyes popped open again, and my second thought was maybe a neighborhood kid, looking for someone to play with besides the roosters! I didn't know, but I certainly thought they'd go away when they saw that the house was still dark and nobody stirring about. And then it happened again..."Bang, Bang, Bang!", and this time it ticked me off! I threw the covers off of my half dressed self, hair sticking up, my pin dot eyes, and I went to the door thinking, "Whoever this is, they're going to be sorry they about broke my front door in!" I opened the door just far enough to stick my neck out, and there stood Minnie Mouse(not really Minnie Mouse), on my front door step, holding a bag of books. She squeaked out that she was a college student from Texas, and then had the audacity to ask me if she woke me up.(Nah! I slept right through you busting my door down.) I smiled...that's all I could do...because I wasn't dare going to open my mouth! At this point you'd think she would have said she would come back later. But no...she went on with her spill about her educational books and about how they were a great tool for the kids homework and Blah, Blah, Blah. Her words ran together as I envisioned my picture in the paper with the heading..."Outraged woman with some serious anger problems hurls college student off front porch the hair...kicks her across the yard, as she's yelling..."If you ever beat on my door again before daylight, I'll throw you back to Texas with my bare hands!!!" I smiled at the thought!
She goes on and on, and's the kicker...She plops herself down on my top step and opens the bag. Tells me if I'll just come out and have a seat,(she pats the space beside her) she'll explain all about the books. It was then I opened my mouth and very politely told her I wasn't interested in the books. She said, "oh, o.k. then, let me just pack my stuff back up and I'll be on my way." I watched as she gathered her books,scads of paper with name and numbers , testimonials from people that tried it and loved it,(from pre internet times to be sure...) and it was then a pang of guilt washed over me. Here's this student trying to earn money to pay her way through school. That could be one of mine one day I suppose. But seriously, ticking people off is not the route you should take if you want their money, right? I watched as she tripped back to her car that was parked on the street, and I went and made some coffee. There was no going back to bed now. My adrenaline had slowed just enough to drink a cup and recall the last fifteen minutes of my weird morning.
Oh, and no pictures of this event--thank goodness.)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Artwork

One of the things I love to do in my spare time, (not much of it), is paint! A fellow blogger/friend inspired me to put some of my artwork on a post. While in Newnan, I painted the kids rooms all kinds of colorful ways. So of course before we sold the house there, I had to do some major repainting to neutral colors. I was a little sad when I went in and had to paint over some of the rooms, as the paint job(s) were "presents" to the kids. Both for #1's and #2's tenth birthday, I did their rooms as a surprise. They each told me the colors they liked, but I did the rest--and they couldn't see it until the job was completely done. So naturally, I had grown a little sentimental.

I took some pictures of the rooms before I painted over them, so I will share them with you. This will make me feel better, as I didn't really know what I would do with these pictures...I just knew I wanted to keep the memories.

Of course, here in Rome, it's like I have all these clean canvases called walls. I have only had time to do one back wall so far,(#3 wanted a monkey theme, so I did a mural) but there will be more to come as things start to settle. (Most likely after the summer months).

Update on hubby: He's waiting on blood test results, but doc did seem to think it was Lymes disease. Said it would be the first reported case in Floyd County, which excited the doctor. In the meantime, I thought he could take antibiotics, but no...not until the test results are hubby is really feeling pretty bad. Hopefully, he'll hear something by this Thursday and can then start meds.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Busy Summer So Far!

It seems it's been non-stop since the kids have been out of school. We just returned from Dublin, Ga. where we attended a Missionary Convention and District Assembly. I especially enjoyed the missionary services! The speaker was a third generation missionary to Africa (retired), and the stories he told about what God is doing over there were absolutely amazing! I want to go to Africa now.

Tomorrow will be another one of those Manic Mondays, as I get our teens off to church camp for the week. My #1 will be attending as well, and she is so excited!

Hubby will be going to the Doctor tomorrow for what we think,(according to info. from the intenet) is Lyme Disease. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Time Away

I have been in Newnan for a few days for #1's orthodontist appt. It was great to see friends at church on Wed. night and I have had a good time visiting everyone while here! This is the first trip I have actually got to visit without running back to our old house cleaning, painting, packing, etc. What a relief!!! It has been so good catching up with family and friends! Thanks to Mom and Dad for a nice warm bed, sis for the same, Roadrunner for going with me to the furniture store, Danetta and family for a great supper, and Pam and family for the delicious ice cream!(and coffee) I plan on having lunch with friends tomorrow after appt. and then it's back to Rome. Hubby's kinda missing me and the kids by now, and is ready for us to get home. I'll write more when I get back to Rome.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Books, Picnic and Playtime!

Today #3 went on a field trip to the library. After time spent there, the kids walked along about a mile trail that lead to a park and picnic area. The parents were invited to meet the kids at the park, have a picnic, and take their child home from there. I met #3 with my sack lunch about 11:30, along with several other parents. She(#3) surprised me with a book that she had written and illustrated herself, entitled "All About Mom." I loved it!

After we ate, the kids started spreading out on the playground areas. All except #3, she wanted to hike back to the library and show me around. So that's what we did. The library here is great and I'm sure we'll be spending alot of time there over the summer.

I signed her out about 1:30 and we went and got our nails done.

Hubby and #4 were in Newnan today packing up one last load of "stuff". The lady that is purchasing our house is paying all cash, so we are closing tomorrow! (Praise the Lord again!) Hubby will come home tonight, we'll unpack, and head back down in the morning after #2 graduates from the fifth grade.

What a crazy week it has been for us, but what an exciting time. I am feeling sooo blessed right now!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

House News

We agreed to an offer on the house in Newnan, and a contract has been signed. Praise The Lord!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prince Caspian----Opening Day

Frank preordered the tickets for the 4:45pm show and arranged for a limousine to pick the girls up. As they all got off the bus looking a little frazzled from their school day, I told them to go wash up a little and fix their hair because their ride would soon be arriving. Keep in mind, they didn't know about the limo, so most completely ignored me and went right out and started jumping on the trampoline. I didn't want to give the "cool ride" away, but I didn't want them to go stinking either. I finally said, "Mr. Frank is on the way and he said to be ready. Now come in and brush your hair and put on some more deodorant!" With that said, they piled in and ran upstairs and got ready. When the limo pulled up, they were waiting on the front porch. The girls were all gawking and wondering who was getting the ride in style. As it was pulling in, a back window was rolled down and there was Frank, hollering something at the girls.(insert: Frank is a kid trapped in a man's body)
The girls were all like, "Sweet! We're going in that! So Cool! etc..." They all got in and they were off to the movies.

I had a few hours to get all the food ready and games prepared for when they all returned. Hubby tried to fit in school work during this time so that he could actually enjoy the party later.

When they did return, they ate and answered questions pertaining to the movie and how it compared biblically. They all commented and seemed to really enjoy the movie. (especially Prince Caspian himself) They said he was "Hot!"

We played a few games with the girls, including Queen for a Day", and "The ugliest person in the World." (also, hide'n seek---yes, that's someone in our clothes dryer)In Queen for a Day, the participants were blindfolded one at a time, and led in to bow before the king (hubby). In order to be crowned queen, they were told to lean down and kiss the kings ring, (which was on my finger, but they couldn't see this part.) When I took the blindfold off, hubby had his foot propped onto the table with a ring on his big toe, to make them think that they had kissed his foot.(another insert here: Hubby's big toenail was completely black from an old injury---disgusting!) It was hilarious and one girl actually about got sick.

In The Ugliest Person in the World game, Frank put a big blanket over himself. I told the girls privately that the joke was actually on Frank, and when they peeked under the blanket(one at a time), they were to scream and pass out. In reality, the joke was on the last participant, because when she peeked, Frank screamed and passed out,(girl in green--she was a good sport.)

It seemes a good time was had by all!!! And you know what's cool, I feel like I'm really connecting with the teens, something I have been praying about. It's amazing how when God calls us somewhere to do his work--He's faithful to mold us into exactly who he needs us to be!