Thursday, August 21, 2008


It has been a little crazy around our house to say the least. School has started back, and the kids are all enjoying themselves so far. Even #4 can't wait to go to school everyday! I am so thankful for the great teachers that they all have this year.
The church is doing well, the parsonage is up for sale, and we're keeping a lookout for and praying about new church property in the near future. God has blessed the church and we have some new people coming. I am doing Junior Church three Sundays out of the month, Children's Choir, and helping out with the kid's class on Wednesday evenings. We are much in prayer about children and teen workers for our church.
Hubby is still driving to Atlanta at least three days a week, and God is blessing him there as well, and giving him strength and wisdom for each new day.
#1 made the fast pitch softball team, so we've been going to her practices for that. I can't wait for her games to start.
Along with everything else, I am planning a class reunion for our high school with help from a few friends and fellow graduates.
Life is busy sometimes... but God is Good All the Time!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Almost done!

The pool is getting closer to completion everyday. They poured the concrete decking early this morning, and they're coming back on Tuesday to install the diving board and slide. Looks like we will be able to enjoy it some before the cooler weather after all.

So now, when friends and family come over, we can enjoy ourselves poolside. As long as you come while it's still hurry!!(Come see us!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

What in the World??

I was so excited about our tomato plants. A couple at our church had brought them to me to plant a couple of months ago. We watched each day as they grew taller, watered them as needed, picked the buds off like we were told to do, and then last week, some little cherry tomatoes popped out all over. I couldn't wait for them to ripen so we could pick and eat them. They are #4's favorite! Then yesterday, I was doing my daily check, and ALL the cherry tomatoes were GONE! My first thought was that the kids picked them. Then I noticed the "vine" look was gone. It looked more like green sticks poking up out of the ground. THEN I noticed two huge caterpillars attached to the stems. They had eaten all the tomatoes, the buds were gone, and practically the whole vine. Goodness gracious! Well, there goes that!! Guess I'll be going down to the Piggly Wiggly if I want some maters!

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Day of School

Our kids started school today. They were car riders this morning since it was their first day. The different looks on their faces as they got out of the car displayed their different personalities. #1 was excited and couldn't get out of the car fast enough; #2 looked a bit terrified as it was her first day as a middle schooler; #3 was a bit nervous, but excited too. We actually dropped her off with tears in her eyes, said she was worried about me being by myself all day.(Bless her heart!) And #4, a new pre-k'r, was eager to get in his class to make new friends. He had already spotted a cute girl and told me "that's who I'm gonna go out with." Told me he liked her cute clothes and bow in her hair.