Monday, December 15, 2008

King Tut...

I went along with #2's class to the Atlanta Civic Center last week to see the King Tut exhibit. It was pretty amazing what has been uncovered, almost an untouched tomb of King Tut and TONS of gold and riches. There were alot of statues of Egyptian Pharaohs on display as well that have been recovered.

"Howard Carter uncovered the remarkably preserved tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, he created a worldwide sensation. The only tomb of its era found intact and full of indescribable treasures, it was also the first major discovery in the age of easy worldwide communication. That, along with rumors of a mysterious curse, helped make Tutankhamun the most popular of the Egyptian pharaohs in the modern world. Here, you will learn about his life, his death and the ancient curses that shaped King Tut's world."

This past Saturday was an exciting day for the kids as #2 got to ride in a helicopter with a pilot, and #3 took a ride in a small single engine prop plane with the pilot, and actually got to fly it herself. The second Saturday of every month the "Tiger Flight" group offers flights to kids age 8-18. There is no charge for this, and the pilots take the kids up individually. Hubby took the girls and the camera, and I stayed home with #4, as he wasn't yet old enough for the flights. Hubby claimed he took some great pics, but when he got home to download them, there didn't seem to be a "memory card" in the none of the pictures turned out. It was my fault, the memory card was in my purse. We plan on going back next month and will make sure we're prepared with the camera. #3 came home so excited and informed me she had changed her mind about being a waitress...she wants to be a pilot instead.

Our #1 was at the Middle School Basketball game on Saturday morning and missed out on the flight, but she plans on going next month.

1 comment:

Poptart said...

Wow! You are going to have a little crew of pilots! Free flight benefits!