Monday, November 17, 2008

Time Doesn't Stop

I can't believe time is flying by so fast! It's been nearly a month since I've blogged, yet there's really so much that I could share about the past four weeks. A beautiful beach wedding, my "Sweet Sixteen" Class reunion in Midtown, and a wonderful Ladies Retreat that I attended this past weekend. Wow! I have stayed very busy subbing as well, which is good. It's nice working when I want to, and staying at home when I need to clean or get things done. In the midst of all of this, my computer I am still trying to catch up on some things I missed. I will be posting some pics also, as soon as I get computer stuff caught up. Anyway, just wanted to let whoever keeps up with the "Krispy", that I'm still kickin and I'll be posting more soon.
The fam is doing well also, just staying busy and all looking forward to the fast approaching holidays!


rakethetable said...

We will keep tuning in.........

Anonymous said...

Missed you! Glad you're back. Hey-do you get your nails done over by McDonald's area? I think I saw you when we were driving home. :D